Youth-led Los Cien event spotlights school violence, discrimination, student activism in Sonoma County

Sonoma County students shared their experiences related to school violence, discrimination and more, calling for change in a youth-led speaker panel Thursday night hosted by Los Cien. Read the full article here.

104th SRJC Commencement Features Los Cien Leader Herman G. Hernández As Speaker

The Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) 104th Commencement ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 27, at 9:00 a.m., at Bailey Field Stadium. Herman G. Hernández, executive director of Los Cien Sonoma County, will be the Commencement speaker and more than 1,400 students will receive degrees this year.

North Bay Business Journal – Sep 27, 2023

Development of a Sonoma County Latino Scorecard – tracking key areas of Latino life such as housing and health – was among the ideas detailed Sept. 26 at at the State of the Latino Community conference organized by Los Cien, the county’s largest Latino leadership organization.

The scorecard tracks key drivers of socioeconomic mobility and well-being of Latino residents in Sonoma County clustered in five categories: political participation, education, financial stability, neighborhood engagement and health and environment.

Jim Wood-2023-03-08

Highlighting the good deeds and hard work of our neighbors, my office features a “Community Champion” every month. The champion can be an individual, a group, an organization or a business that makes us proud to be a part of the community we live in.

This month’s Community Champion is Herman J. Hernández.