Salud Mental: Rompiendo Estigmas y Celebrando Nuestra Riqueza Cultural – La salud mental es un componente crítico de nuestra salud y bienestar general. La comunidad latina generalmente subutiliza los servicios de salud mental de estilo occidental en parte debido a barreras culturales, percepciones negativas y factores socioeconómicos. Sin embargo, tenemos una rica tradición de prácticas espirituales de salud mental. Es importante que reconozcamos todo el espectro de servicios de salud mental y reconsideremos la forma en que se entregan a la comunidad latina. Únase a nuestro distinguido panel para un discurso en como despegar estos estigmas y identificar esfuerzos locales y culturalmente sensibles para superarlos.

  • Moderadoraa – Socorro Shiels, Los Cien & City of Santa Rosa Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opp. Officer
  • Panelista– Dr. Daniela Dominguez, CEO of On the Margins, LLC
  • Panelista – Nubia Padilla, Executive Director of Humanidad Therapy & Education Services
  • Panelista – Dr. Michael Valdovino, Santa Rosa Family Medicine
  • Mar Rivas – “Promotora” juvenile con Latino Services Providers

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Mental health is a critical component of our overall health and well-being. The Latinx community typically underutilizes western-style mental health services in part due to cultural barriers, negative perceptions, and socio-economic factors. However, we do have a rich tradition of spiritual mental health practices. It is important that we recognize the full spectrum of mental health services and rethink the way in which they are delivered to the Latinx community. Please join our distinguished panel who will break these down stigmas and discuss locally led culturally-sensitive efforts to overcome them.

  • Moderator – Socorro Shiels, Los Cien & City of Santa Rosa Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opp. Officer
  • Panelist – Dr. Daniela Dominguez, CEO of On the Margins, LLC
  • Panelist – Nubia Padilla, Executive Director of Humanidad Therapy & Education Services
  • Panelist – Dr. Michael Valdovino, Santa Rosa Family Medicine
  • Panelist – Mar Rivas, Youth “Promotora” with Latino Service Providers